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Tips to prepare your business for a storm

As a business owner, it’s important to take the necessary steps to prepare for an incoming storm. Here are some tips from us at Valor Insurance to help you get your Easton, PA area business ready.

Tips to prepare your business for a storm

1. Create a plan of action

Before a storm hits, create a plan of action that outlines what measures you’ll take before, during, and after the storm. This should include tasks such as moving items away from windows and doors, stocking up on supplies, and having an evacuation plan if needed. 

2. Back up your data

Make sure all important data is backed up in case of any damage or power outages. Data can be backed up onto portable hard drives or cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox. 

3. Protect your electronics

Unplug any sensitive electronics that power surges may damage during the storm. If possible, keep them away from windows and other areas where water could enter in order to protect them from damage. 

4. Prepare for flooding

Clear debris away from your building’s foundation and seal any cracks in the walls or flooring that could let in water during a flood. You should also have sandbags ready to help prevent flooding into your building if needed. 

5. Have emergency kits on hand

Keep emergency kits stocked with items such as flashlights, batteries, fresh water, non-perishable food items, first aid supplies, and anything else you might need in case of an emergency situation due to the storm. 

We Are Here To Help!

By following these tips, you can ensure that your business is prepared for an incoming storm and will stay safe throughout it! For more tips, call us at Valor Insurance today. We proudly serve the Easton, PA area.