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Does Home Insurance Cover Accidental Damage?

Homeownership comes with the reality that sometimes damage to your home may unintentionally be your fault. While home insurance is designed to protect your property from external factors, what happens if you’re the cause of the damage? Will home insurance cover accidental damage to your home? Here’s what you need to know about whether home insurance will cover you when the damage is your fault. Ensure you’re getting the right home insurance coverage for your needs that covers all potential damage with our support here at Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania.

Does Home Insurance Cover Accidental Damage by Homeowners?

The answer to this question can depend on your specific policy. In some cases, home insurance may cover accidental damage by the homeowner, but it might not be part of a standard policy. You may need to purchase this coverage as an add-on, which can be a valuable addition to your standard policy. If you do get accidental damage coverage, it generally covers incidents like home fires started accidentally in the kitchen or outdoors, damage to windows caused by a child hitting a ball into the house, or a broken floor caused by something heavy toppling onto it. It’s important to note that this type of coverage only applies to one-time events and won’t cover damage that occurs frequently. Accidental damage coverage also won’t cover damage that occurs over time due to lack of proper maintenance.

Find Home Insurance With Accidental Damage Protection With Valor Insurance

At Valor Insurance, we’re dedicated to helping Pennsylvania residents find reliable insurance that meets their specific needs. Compare quotes with us, or buy a policy now!

Who Can Be a Life Insurance Beneficiary?

When clients visit Valor Insurance to discuss their life insurance, the question of who they can list as an insurance beneficiary sometimes arises. Our Pennsylvania customers can list any individual or organization as the beneficiary of their life insurance policy. If you want to add or change your beneficiaries, request a beneficiary designation form from our office.

Typical Beneficiaries Named in Life Insurance Policies

Commonly, people make their nearest relative the beneficiary, but you can make anyone your beneficiary. A policy owner can also make a trust or an organization, such as a non-profit, the beneficiary. A policy can contain only one beneficiary or divide the policy value between many beneficiaries. That means you can name your spouse, children, and favorite charity in your life insurance policy. Divide the awards evenly or designate amounts using percentages.

Information You’ll Need to Name a Beneficiary

For any person you designate, you’ll need their full name, Social Security number (SSN), and sometimes, their physical address and phone number. To name an organization, you’ll need its legal name, physical address, phone number, and federal employer identification number (FEIN). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses the FEIN like an SSN, but for organizations.

This information allows the insurance company to find and contact the person or organization. Their SSN lets us create federal reports and complete forms required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Contact Us Today

Call or email Valor Insurance. We serve Pennsylvania with the life insurance its residents need to protect their future. Let us help you start a new policy or add a beneficiary to your existing one.

What is an auto insurance deductible, and how does it work?

At Valor Insurance, we have noticed over the years that many of our clients in Pennsylvania are somewhat confused about auto insurance deductibles and how they function. We are here to assist you in making an informed decision about your auto coverage and ensuring you have peace of mind should you be involved in an accident.

What is an Auto Insurance Deductible?

An auto insurance deductible is the amount you pay for a claim before your insurance begins to cover the costs. For instance, if you were at fault in an accident, you would be responsible for paying the deductible for repairs. After that, your insurance company would cover the rest of the repair costs. Deductibles serve as a safety net for insurance companies, preventing consumers from filing claims for minor issues. However, with a deductible in place, you can still file qualifying claims, large or small, but you must pay the deductible first.

For example, if you were in an accident that resulted in $2500 worth of damage and your collision deductible is $500, you would pay the first $500 to the body shop, and then your insurance would cover the remaining $2000. You would be responsible for the entire repair cost if the damage is equal to or less than your deductible. In such cases, getting an estimate and paying for the repairs out of pocket may be best to avoid having the claim on your insurance record.

On an auto policy, you’re only required to pay deductibles when you are at fault; there is a hit and run, and the guilty party cannot be located, or medical coverage on your policy requires a deductible, such as excess medical on an auto policy. The amount of the deductible you select for your auto policy also affects the cost of your auto premiums. The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums. Conversely, the lower your deductible, the higher your policy premiums will be.

Contact Us for More Information

To learn more about auto deductibles, how they work, and which coverages require them, contact Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania today at (800) 419-0849.

How to Safeguard Your Pennsylvania Business from Data Breaches

Today’s reliance on digital communications to operate and maintain a business of any size means that the likelihood of data breaches is almost inevitable. Learn how to safeguard your proprietary business data and customer records from the commercial insurance experts at Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania.

Implement Company-wide Cybersecurity Rules

Implementing internal protocols as a first line of defense is the first step toward protecting proprietary and customer data from the prying eyes of nefarious data thieves. Conduct cybersecurity awareness training for employees and implement strong cybersecurity practices.

  • Complete Regular Software Updates
  • Use Firewalls for Company Websites and Pages
  • Require Unique and Hard to Guess Passwords for All System Users
  • Train Your Employees on How to Spot Phishing Attempts

Monitor Network Activity for Suspicious Usage

Cybercriminals often exploit unmonitored network vulnerabilities and use them as entry points to steal business data and hijack sensitive customer information. Business decision-makers should work with their IT teams to select and install network monitoring software that can help detect suspicious devices, login attempts, and unauthorized network usage.

Implementing network security protocols can help identify key threats before they turn into critical data breaches, which can cost thousands of dollars to correct.

Get Commercial Insurance with Cyber Liability Coverage

After taking the appropriate measures to secure your network, devices, systems, and data, the next step is to invest in a comprehensive commercial insurance policy that includes cyber liability protection. Even with the best security measures in place, no systems are completely immune from cyber attacks. A comprehensive policy can also include theft, vandalism, and commercial vehicle coverage.

Contact Valor Insurance to learn how to secure your data from breaches and get a quote for comprehensive commercial insurance with cyber protection today!

Three Things to Consider When Getting Home Insurance for a Waterfront Residence

Waterfront properties present unique insurance considerations. Here are three things you should evaluate if you’re getting home insurance for a waterfront residence, whether it’s on one of the lakes, rivers, or ocean shorelines in Pennsylvania.

1. Insuring a Boathouse

Boathouses usually fall under secondary structures coverage, which might protect everything from a fence to a detached building. Most home insurance policies have secondary structures coverage, but your policy’s standard limit for other structures might be lower than the value of your boathouse. If you have a boathouse, ensure your policy’s secondary structures limit is equal to your boathouse’s value. We at Valor Insurance can help you check your policy. We can also help you increase the limit for secondary structures or find a better home insurance policy if you need to.

2. Insuring a Dock

A dock might also be covered under secondary structures coverage, or it could fall under personal property coverage. Permanent docks are more likely to be considered secondary structures. Seasonal docks are typically considered personal property. In either case, you’ll want to make sure the applicable coverage limit is at least equal to any dock’s value. Our agents here at Valor Insurance can check which coverage applies to your situation and the coverage’s limit.

3. Getting Flood Insurance

Flood damage normally isn’t covered by a home insurance policy. Instead, you likely should have flood insurance if your Pennsylvania waterfront property is at risk of flooding. This can often be purchased at a subsidized rate through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Make Sure Your Waterfront Property is Protected

These are just some of the details to consider when insuring a waterfront property. To review all of the protections you should have, contact us and speak with a home insurance agent.

Questions you may have about life insurance

Life insurance is a subject few people discuss openly due to its association with morbidity. However, it is an essential coverage for those with dependents relying on their income. At Valor Insurance in Easton, PA, we are dedicated to helping you plan for the future and ensure you have the necessary life insurance.

Do I Need a Physical Examination to Obtain a Life Insurance Policy?

While it is required to undergo a physical to obtain a life insurance policy, not doing so may limit your options and inflate the premium. You may be required to answer some medical questions instead of a physical.

Do I Need More Life Insurance Than My Employer Provides?

Are you willing to entrust your employers with the livelihood of your dependents? No one understands your dependents’ needs better than you. While employer-provided life insurance is a valuable benefit, it should not be the sole source of your life insurance coverage. Long-term employment is never guaranteed.

Can I Designate More Than One Beneficiary?

Yes, you can nominate any number of beneficiaries you wish. However, if your beneficiaries are minors, they must reach adulthood before they can claim the money.

Why Do I Need Life Insurance?

Unless you have enough savings to support your dependents in your absence financially, you need life insurance. It serves to ensure that your loved ones are cared for when you are no longer there to do so.

We are ready to help address your life insurance needs at Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania. Reach out to us, and our team will be delighted to assist.

Add ons you may want to add to your auto policy

Auto insurance can be customized to include extras that suit your specific needs. At Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania, we are here to assist people in finding a policy that caters to their auto needs. No one needs to settle for a standard auto insurance policy when they have an independent insurance agent to lend a hand.

Full Glass Coverage

If you hold comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, you have glass coverage, but it comes with a deductible. If you choose full glass coverage, you won’t have to pay a deductible when you repair or replace your windshield.

Rental Car Coverage

This isn’t the coverage for a rental car you need for your vacation. This is the rental car you will require if your car is damaged in an accident where you are the responsible party or if there is no responsible party. It can make a significant difference after an accident, not worrying about how you will commute to work.

Roadside Service

Roadside service performs all the functions that auto club coverage does for you. It will provide a tow when required, jumpstart a dead battery, assist you in retrieving keys from a locked car, and deal with a flat tire.

GAP Insurance

If you have a newer vehicle and an auto loan, if you have an accident, you might end up with insufficient funds to pay off what you owe due to depreciation. GAP insurance handles this for you to prevent you from owing on a vehicle you no longer possess.

You can trust Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania to fulfill your needs for the insurance you require and want. Please stop by our office or get in touch to get started today on a policy in Georgia, Tennessee, or Pennsylvania.

Your Commercial Property Insurance Protects Defrays the Cost of Expensive Vandalism Incidents

Unexpected incidents that damage your commercial building can disrupt your business, negatively impacting your bottom line. If vandals damage your building, quick repairs are necessary to continue serving your customers. Commercial property insurance can help offset the costs of returning your property to proper service. At Valor Insurance in Easton, PA, we offer commercial property insurance to safeguard your business location.

Common Vandalism Incidents That May Occur

Common types of vandalism include spray painting graffiti, breaking windows, keying vehicles, damaging signs, starting fires, and applying chemicals or other damaging substances to commercial property. In some cases, damages can be quickly repaired or removed to allow for normal customer service. However, other circumstances may disrupt your normal business operations.

What You Should Do If Your Property Is Vandalized

Document the damage to your building or grounds by taking pictures or video, so you have a record. Contact the local police department and file a report, which may be submitted in person, by phone, or online, describing the damage and providing images of it. If you have suspects, provide any relevant information, such as video footage of the incident. Lastly, call your insurance agent to initiate a claim on your policy.

Make Valor Insurance Your Insurance Agent in Pennsylvania

Our experienced agents can answer your questions about commercial property insurance and how it can protect your business. We offer a wide range of insurance products, including auto, home, life, flood, and business policies. Contact Valor Insurance today for a no-obligation quote on commercial property insurance that will help keep your business running when vandalism occurs.

Why All Homeowners Need to Have Home Insurance

Every homeowner needs home insurance. It’s crucial for safeguarding yourself and your family in case of unforeseen circumstances. Homeowners face a series of risks, and home insurance alleviates these risks. If you don’t already have a home insurance policy or if you’re considering altering your current policy, contact us at Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania.

Damage Risks

As a homeowner, you’re exposed to numerous risks. Many damaging incidents can occur in your home, which might cost you dearly. In case a disaster occurs and damage is inflicted on your house, it’s vital to have a home insurance policy. This policy can cover the cost of repairing damages or rebuilding your home if required.

Belongings Risk

However, it’s not only damage to your house that you should worry about. Your belongings are also at risk. Various incidents can damage or destroy your belongings. Your home insurance also covers the cost of repairing or replacing these belongings after a covered incident.

Liability Risk

As a homeowner, you also face a liability risk. Home insurance is important as it covers this liability as well. When someone gets injured on your property, you’re liable for all related expenses, including lost wages, legal bills, and medical expenses. These costs can be unusually high, hence the need for coverage.

Get Home Insurance

If you need home insurance, feel free to contact us. Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania is always ready to help.

I just started my own business – do I need life insurance?

Congratulations! You’ve just started your own business and are about to embark on the adventure of business ownership.

As a business owner, you know you will need commercial insurance, but you find yourself wondering: Do I need life insurance, too? Our Valor Insurance in Pennsylvania advisors have the answers and are here to help.

Do business owners need life insurance?

It is an excellent idea for business owners to consider life insurance as part of their insurance plan. Company-owned life insurance can provide crucial protection for a business in the case of the unexpected death of an owner, partner, or employee, which has the potential to disrupt and cause financial issues for the business. You have worked hard on and planned carefully for your business and want to set it up for the best possible success.

If you have started your business with a partner, life insurance can provide a bridge while the surviving partner determines whether to continue the business. In that scenario, the death benefit could be used to replace lost revenue and pay the costs to keep the business open. Without it, the surviving partner may face difficult decisions, such as borrowing money or selling some of the company’s assets to get through the rough patch.

Similarly, life insurance can provide for family members who rely on the income from the business during this period of loss. An unexpected death is a sudden transition, made even harsher if financial hardship enters the picture. Life insurance can protect your family’s quality of life as they adjust and move forward.

Contact our experts at Valor Insurance for help finding the right policy for you and your business in Colorado, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, or Georgia.